Beniamino GAVIO
I am not only a boat builder but above all a ship-owner with a great passion for the sea. Thanks to this passion, three years ago, I acquired this brand which represents the icon of Italian boating since 1854.

Diego Michele DEPRATI
General Director
Baglietto is a highly prestigious brand that is going through extensive renovation in terms of both organisation and products. The creation of the 'Baglietto Navy' brand is part of the same renovation process. This new brand will focus on a market segment in which Baglietto was a leader for years. We have in store several ambitious projects for the near future, which I am certain will reflect our commitment and our shipyard's construction expertise.

Technical Director
Throughout its history, Baglietto has been kept busy with numerous military research projects. Its longstanding experience of meeting the extremely high standards of the navy and other paramilitary organisations, meant that Baglietto built up incredible skillsets and technological know-how that were also put to very profitable use in the leisure sector. It is therefore of utmost importance to continue this path that, in a nutshell, has been the secret of Baglietto success.
"Behind every project, there is always the work and the effort of many people. Skillful and professional Women and Men are the key of our success. We trust in challenge, long lasting improvement of our performance. We trust in persons, our real added"